Envision Blind Sports
Along with the Paralympics and Special Olympics, there is also the Deaflympics for athletes with hearing impairments, and most visual impairment sports are in the Paralympics. The ISBA represents athletes with visual impairments and has rules regarding classification. These opportunities are not for everyone with impairments, and many athletes with impairments face the issue of not being able to join their local or school sports teams due to the lack of accommodations that are provided. There are many nonprofits and other organizations that are designed for athletes with impairments. These organizations provide athletes with safe and accessible sporting events. Envision Blind Sports is one of these organizations.
Envision Blind Sports
Envision Blind Sports is a nonprofit organization in Mercer, Pennsylvania. They have four partners which are Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation, Dick's Sporting Goods, Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation, and Lions International. The organization has a mission, a vision, values, and goals. The organization's mission is to provide sporting opportunities for visually impaired athletes. Their visions are to raise awareness of blind sports, to be a resource for athletes with visual impairments, and increase opportunities for athletes with visual impairments. Their values include empowerment, independence, competition and sportsmanship, and self advocacy. Its service goal is "to provide opportunities in a quality manner with trained staff who value safety as the number one priority" (Envision Blind Sports).
Envision provides sports modifications and help to those with visual impairments. It is important that visual impairments, and all impairments in general, do not keep individuals from being physically active. Organizations, such as Envision and others alike, are what provides the modifications so those with visual impairments can be physically active while remaining safe. These organizations are also great for raising awareness and bringing attention to sports opportunities and physical activities for individuals with visual impairments.
Envision's Programs
Envision has four programs: sport clinics, summer sport camps, outdoor adventures, and educational support. The summer camp is for one week in June, and the sport clinics are offered throughout the year. Sports offered during the clinics and camps include canoeing, biking, baseball, kayak, ice and floor hockey, bowling, swimming, tennis, archery, golf, track and field, rock climbing, rowing, dance, trampoline, soccer, wrestling, basketball, and many more. It is very important that there is such a diversity in sports offered so that every child can participate and have fun.
The outdoor adventure program provides sports and recreational activities similar to the clinics and camps, but all of the events are outdoors. This program is open to individuals of all ages and the sports include skiing, snow tubing, ice skating, kayaking, biking, hiking, camping, and more. Being outdoors is important, and the sport programs offered at Envision are divers, which allow numerous opportunities to the athletes. Educational programs are also open for teachers, coaches, and parents. These educational programs help with adapting physical education for visually impaired students and learning how to provide accommodations to sports if a team member has a visual impairment. Envision has specialists who will give demonstrations and host information sessions in schools and other places.
Involvement in Envision Within the organization, one may sign up to be a participant or volunteer. There are forms on the website for those who are interested in either position to fill out. While there is no particular person to contact, there is a phone number (724-967-4712) and an email (envisionblindsports@gmail.com) on the website for any questions or concerns. There is a contact form to fill out to make it easier. Along with volunteer positions, there are official member positions for those who want to work for the organization. The organization also accepts donations so that the program can continue to provide these opportunities for visually impaired athletes.
ReferencesDeaflympics. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2023, from https://www.deaflympics.com/
Envision blind sports. Envision Blind Sports. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2023, from https://www.envisionblindsports.org/
Vision, mission and values. IBSA International Blind Sports Federation. (2021, February 11). Retrieved April 18, 2023, from https://ibsasport.org/about/what-we- do/vision-mission-and-values/
Involvement in Envision
Within the organization, one may sign up to be a participant or volunteer. There are forms on the website for those who are interested in either position to fill out. While there is no particular person to contact, there is a phone number (724-967-4712) and an email (envisionblindsports@gmail.com) on the website for any questions or concerns. There is a contact form to fill out to make it easier. Along with volunteer positions, there are official member positions for those who want to work for the organization. The organization also accepts donations so that the program can continue to provide these opportunities for visually impaired athletes.
Deaflympics. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2023, from https://www.deaflympics.com/
Envision blind sports. Envision Blind Sports. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2023, from
Vision, mission and values. IBSA International Blind Sports Federation. (2021,
February 11). Retrieved April 18, 2023, from https://ibsasport.org/about/what-we-
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